I have done a lot of projects in my free time or in school. Each project motivates me to learn new techniques.
DesignOn any major build, I design all the parts and schematics, to be sure the project will be build smoothly.
ComputeNowadays anything is a few code lines away. I use programming to design powerfull tools, games and automations.
UX portfolio
I am deeply motivated to conceive the best User Experience I can for my project. This is why I followed an UX course at UCSD in San Diego, and based my studies on The UX Book, ( Rex Hartson and Pardha Pyla, Morgan Kaufmann editions, 2012).
D.O.T.Cheap and easy-to-use optical laser telemeter
R.E.S.T.This award winning game box is made for the rehabilitation of the upper limb. You can visit the website for more information
VHDL alarm clockThis project was an introduction into VHDL programming. I've made an alarm clock with few additionnal features, like a "password access".
Sokoban solver
This application can solve Sokoban level with different artificial intelligence algoritms
Snoopy's revengeThis game is fully programmed in C++ language, with the Allegro graphic library
ECE-TypeThis game is fully programmed in C language, with the Allegro graphic library
Digital Signal ProcessingI applied Linear Algebra to Digital Signal Processing with Linear Predictive Coding algorithms to compress signals
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GPS positionningI used gradient-descent optimization algorithms to precisely compute GPS position of a cheap sensor
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